
USDA Mortgage

Offered by Midwest Mortgage Investments, Ltd.
Title & Mortgage
This program assists approved lenders in providing low- and moderate-income households the opportunity to own adequate, modest, decent, safe, and sanitary dwellings as their primary residence in eligible rural areas. Eligible applicants may...


Offered by Midwest Mortgage Investments, Ltd.
Title & Mortgage
Buying your first home is an important step toward your future! You can take the worry and the stress out of getting a new home loan by partnering with Midwest Mortgage Investments. We offer many loan options for buying your first home, with...

Adjustable-rate Mortgage

Offered by Midwest Mortgage Investments, Ltd.
Title & Mortgage
An adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) is a 30-year home loan with an initial fixed-rate period, typically 3 to 10 years. The interest rate may change on an annual basis once the fixed portion of the loan expires. For example, with a 5/1 ARM loan,...

Reverse Mortgage

Offered by Midwest Mortgage Investments, Ltd.
Title & Mortgage
Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECMs) are the most popular reverse mortgage available. They are federally insured and offer certain borrower protections. Seniors who either own their homes outright or have low mortgage balances can take out...

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